Free discovery call

Discovery call is an opportunity to understand if coaching is something that fits your needs. It is also a chance to see if you resonate with my approach and there is a click between you and me. In this way we can have a more insightful and effective coaching journey.

You can book a specific type of coaching package, according to your needs.


  • Personal session – 150 Euros. Lasts 1 hour, 15 mins
  • Public speaking coaching – 150 Euros per session
  • Optimization of LinkedIn profile – 280 Euros (includes 2 sessions of profile optimization and LinkedIn tools for career strategy)
  • Package of 5 Sessions – 700 Euros. Duration – 1.5 month
  • Package of 8 sessions – 1100 Euros. Duration – 2 months
  • Package of 10 sessions – 1350 Euros. Duration – 2,5 months
  • Personal branding program, 6 sessions – 840 Euros

Personal sessions

Personal sessions are meant for one on one coaching. You can appeal to a life coach with almost any issue: it can be a challenging situation, a work/family/person related issue you find difficult to solve, an overwhelming confusing state or mind, hindering you from finding a solution.

Life/career coaching for expats

I’m helping expats in the process of self-realization and job search by boosting their worth & self-esteem, by enabling them to see their true value and how to translate it into professional sphere. I also help clients acquire practical skills, which will ensure you will get the job you always wanted to have

External coach for companies

Modern corporate world is highly demanding, stressful and fast pacing. Employees find it increasingly hard to cope with work-life balance. Employers, in their turn, want their staff to be more motivated, to share the values and to promote the vision of the company. Inviting an external coach can be extremely beneficial both for the company and for its employees.